tyam tyres


Quality Auto Services in 411 Millbrook Rd, Southampton

  • You must go for an interim service once every 6 months or 6,000 miles, whichever is earlier. Such a periodic car service Southampton is ideal for both casual and high-mileage drivers.
  • You opt for a full service every 12,000 miles or 12 months, whichever is earlier.
  • Also, you should opt for a major service every 24,000 miles or 24 months, whichever comes first.
  • Finally, you can contact Tyam Tyres for seasonal services to avoid any issues before the start of summer or winter.

What We Do

Our servicing bays

We offer 4 types of service packages: major servicesfull and interim sessions, and seasonal servicing.

Auto Maintenance Services​

If you live in or around Southampton, visit Tyam Tyres for a thoroughly professional and affordable car service Southampton. We have a team of highly trained professionals who take great care to ensure our clients’ satisfaction.

Brake Repair Pads & Rotors​

Brake Discs and Pads

Checking your car brakes regularly is part of any vehicle’s preventative maintenance plan. It allows you to identify potential problems before they impact your braking abilities.

Shocks, Struts Replacement​

Your car’s suspension must be in good working condition as worn components may reduce driving stability and control. Without repairing or replacing a worn suspension,

System Diagnosis & Repair​​

Just as an annual health check is important to you, a car diagnostic test can help your car. Car diagnostics checks can detect problems before they get worse and require expensive repairs or an inconvenient breakdown. While many drivers think a diagnostic test is only necessary once the dashboard lights up, there are many benefits of a proactive approach to car maintenance.

Air Conditioning Services​​

Our air conditioning solutions offer reliable cooling during hot summers and efficient heating in colder months, combining user-friendly operation, energy savings, and quiet performance.

Tires & Wheel Balancing​​

The wheels of your car rotate with a tremendous angular velocity along with continuous acceleration and deceleration. Even though they remain balanced in the static position

Here, at Tyam Tyres , we use state-of-the-art machinery to conduct thorough check-ups for your vehicle.

Jump Start

Are you looking for Jump Starter Motor Service for your vehicle?

call and get quick fitted

If your car starts to fail and the lights dim, the radio stops chances are your alternator has gone faulty, not the battery itself as people usually assume.

Need a Roadside Assistance?

mergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, which is why we’re dedicated to providing swift and efficient assistance whenever you need it. With our team of experienced professionals and fully equipped mobile tyre fitting vans, we ensure that you get back on the road safely in no time.

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